

Oh great, Merlion
Your facade begs a question,
one: "Spit or swallow?"

Heh... today was, as someone put it, surreal.

Practically everything passed from moment to moment, such that the whole day seemed like one huge mass of blur stuff... like a ball of lint.

Today's chem-chem was quite hilarious though, what with England-borne teachers wielding English like an axe... pronunciation police, methinks.

Is phenolphthalein fe-NOLF-tha-leen or fe-nolf-THA-leen?

On further checking, dictionary.com pronounces it as fee-nolf-THA-leen. oh well.

One must give lee-way
to guests; the crunch comes when asked:
"More celery, please."


pomelo said...

argh can you please not remind me of how terrible today has been )))):

too much for me to handle.

pomelo said...

and you didn't even bother linking me? oh, the horror.

serafen said...

Double comments in 2 minutes! im shocked. What reminded you of today's "fluff" anyways?

† Fabriz † said...

Whoa Chong Wee got to love the lines. ;)

kopite said...

fee no fai leen