
When asked if paper
was made of trees, he replied:
"Nah... that's pulp fiction."

... which is in truth a lie of course.

Today, the artsie students went to the Singapore Tyler Print Institute where a particular exhibition, Focus on Paper, was being held. Hence the lame entrance to this post.

... Nevermind.

Anyways, I love paper! Yay!
Things one does with paper:

1) Fold Origami
2) Make papercuttings
3) Write long, pseudo-essays (blog on paper?)
4) Make funny buzzing noises with
5) Cut oneself (on accident, of course)
6) Hold up against a light for whatever particular reason, such as noting angbao money ( oh my... punny! -note?-money?-notes? nevermind...)
7) Crinkle, maybe chew on (to DLWJ, it isn't very healthy you know, what with bleaching agents and all)
8) Wrapping presents! Yes!

and the list goes on...

Patrick and Pablo
campaign their Philosophies.
Two peas in a POD.


Bean said...

link me!

seann_ said...

two peas in a POD was quite witty =P