
Ta Dah

Got a new book today... some know that I don't read that often, unless I get hooked onto a particular author (Paulo Coelho) or series (Harry Potter).

Of course, there is the "aspire to read" list which undoubtedly most people should have, save the most primitive, whereby a carving/ook or two should suffice.

Mine happens to split into the "finish reading" and "start reading" lists, in that order.

1) The Pig that Wants to be Eaten, by Julian Baggini
2) The Wisdom of Imperfection, by Rob Preece
3) Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke

1) The whole Discworld series, by Terry Pratchett
2) The Lying Ape, by Brian King (New book! yay!)

"An Honest Guide to a World of Deception"

Nice. Plus the foreword reads: "Every word in this book is true. I may have accidentally arranged some of them into misleading sentences, but I hope not."

Have a nice midnight.

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